Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Where I got this crazy idea from

I was looking at a social network site last Winter '08-'09 and saw an ad on how to make money on Google ads. I clicked on it and it was the typical spiel on how to make very easy money using Google Adwords. They wanted a several hundred dollars for their 'secret method'. I did a quick scam search on the site and came up with tons of hits, so I knew it was a bad idea. One of the forums which commented on the scam site had several postings regarding a much better site called
I made a post-it-note of the site and let it sit on my desk until March. That's when I received notice that I was being let go from my job. I won't go into details, but I was informed my replacement would be recruited and starting sometime around the end of May. Talk about bad timing, the economy is tanking and I'm trying to find a job. Ouch! Not to mention I live in an area with a population of roughly 150,000. There are not many jobs available, unless you consider working for Burger King a job.
Knowing I only had a few months of employment left I started to look at any alternative available. I applied for any job that even came close to my skill set. I even looked at doing financial services with a company that uses network marketing. That was a mistake! I have found another job, but in the meantime I decided to look into CPA Marketing. I have read up on it and decided on working with PPC-Coach to learn the ropes. Now that I've made that decision there are a few more steps to take. I have to brush up on HTML because it will be necessary for me to have a web site which I can use to promote CPA offers and I have to do some extensive research on the PPC Coach web site to get an understanding on how to properly select a niche market and how to use the various marketing methods to generate income. The final step will be to decide how much cash I want to budget per day. I imagine I will start small (probably $50.00/day) and use any profits to grow the daily budget.
Live long and prosper.

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